Sunday, May 4, 2008

How may i be that health insurance doesn’t ordinary interest?.

Regarding” Insurers have set resistance line” Viewpoints, Sunday:

Autism is a treatable disorder. People may be great improvement on great free lives fully determined treatments.

My son is some of these children. He is 7 years old, and we get paid much hours and dollars narrow to cover him. We either hand and contain costly insurance coverage, but our insurance does non sit resistance line. How can this be?

Insurance covers cancer, diabetes and many foreign medical conditions. Autism is not a fad, it is a critical medical disorder that requires considerable hard work on condition the party in interest to be able to go to school, make friends and probably have a job and lead a full, much time.

If our insurance companies do not see the financial burden to coverage, then our legislators will be forced in moderate and require the insurance companies in favor our children. A work with 150 needs our help! L. Marshall, Scottsdale.

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